Lady Sedona
title: LADY sedona
size: 24 x 40 "
Medium: oil + gold on canvas
ABOUT: Have you been to Sedona? Have you heard ABOUT the energetic vortex of the landscape? It was in this space that THE land changed me. MY sense of self WAS transformed time and time again. The red earth, the red rock, grounds you in its stable, ancient self. It was in Sedona the vision o connecting more traditional art into the NFT space came to be. THIS PIECE DOCUMENTS THE MULTIPLE SIDES OF A TRANSFORMING FEMALE ENERGY.
price: 5900 usd (Special Show Price)
canvas print: 1100 usd
nft+physical art :4.5 ETH
Payment Options
price: 5900 usd
canvas print: 1100 usd
nft+physical art :4.5 ETH

[three.two.three] 541.3049 (Chase Business Account)
Over the Phone Issued Chase e-receipt